Strengthen your core muscles, increase fitness, and prevent high blood pressure with this accessible and equipment-free exercise.

Planking is a popular exercise that is both feared and prized in fitness circles. It is an isometric core-strength exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up for as long as possible.

The plank, along with other isometric exercises like wall sits and leg extensions, has been found to be better at preventing high blood pressure than aerobic exercises like running or cycling.

The beauty of planking and other isometric exercises is that they require no equipment and can be done almost anywhere at any time. This makes them accessible for busy office workers who struggle to find time to go to the gym. However, it’s important to note that planking is not a one-size-fits-all exercise. There are certain considerations and variations that need to be taken into account to make sure you get the most out of it.

One of the challenges with planking is mastering the correct technique. Many people do the exercise wrong, limiting its effectiveness. It’s essential to maintain the correct form to strengthen your core muscles. Additionally, planks can present different challenges depending on your body type. The less you weigh, the easier it will be. Hypermobile individuals with very flexible joints may find it harder to keep a neutral spine, requiring their abdominals to work harder.

Men, who typically have more upper body strength, are less likely to strain their wrists and shoulders. Using forearms instead of straight arms can help alleviate this strain. For those with weak deep core strength, dropping onto the knees and engaging the core, glutes, and legs can be a good starting point. As strength improves, variations like knee-to-shoulder movements, walking one leg out, or raising an arm can provide an extra challenge and target different muscle groups.

In conclusion, planking is an effective exercise for strengthening core muscles and preventing high blood pressure. It can be done anywhere and at any time, making it accessible for busy individuals. However, proper technique and individual variations should be considered to ensure maximum effectiveness.

The Bottom Line: Planking is an accessible and effective exercise for strengthening core muscles and preventing high blood pressure. It requires no equipment and can be done almost anywhere. However, it’s important to master the correct technique and consider individual variations for optimal results.

Key Points:

– Planking is an isometric core-strength exercise that involves maintaining a push-up position.
– Isometric exercises like planking are better at preventing high blood pressure than aerobic exercises.
– Planking is accessible as it requires no equipment and can be done anywhere.
– Proper technique is crucial for maximum effectiveness.
– Individual variations should be considered based on body type and strength level.

Source Article: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/planking-miracle-exercise-only-180203841.html

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