Discover how platforms like TikTok can be powerful tools in promoting healthy eating and weight management among children and adolescents of color.

Platforms like TikTok Could Help Engage Adolescents of Color in Healthy Eating

A new study from the Boston University School of Public Health suggests that social media platforms like TikTok may be a powerful tool to encourage healthy eating and weight management among children and adolescents of color. This is a significant finding as racial disparities contribute to the higher prevalence of obesity among children of color compared to their white counterparts. By leveraging the preferences and engagement of young people, social media platforms can play a role in promoting health and wellness-oriented content.

A New Perspective on Social Media

Social media platforms, especially when it comes to the health and wellbeing of children, have often been viewed suspiciously. However, this study challenges that perception by highlighting the potential positive impact of platforms like TikTok. Rather than dismissing social media outright, it suggests that these platforms can be effective in promoting health-related content, especially when tailored to the preferences and interests of children and adolescents.

Empowering Young People

The study involved surveys and focus groups with high school students between the ages of 14 and 18 in California and Massachusetts. The participants expressed a strong preference for TikTok as their preferred social media platform, with Twitter ranking lower on the list. Over 80% of the participants reported spending time on TikTok regularly, indicating a high level of engagement.

In terms of health-related information and habits, the participants expressed a desire to receive information on healthy habits through TikTok and frequently shared this content with others on TikTok and Instagram. This highlights the potential for social media platforms to not only disseminate information but also facilitate peer-to-peer engagement and support.

A Three-Pronged Approach

The study suggests several interventions that can be implemented to address obesity health disparities:

1. Creating Diverse Content

One key recommendation is to create diverse content that caters to the specific preferences and interests of adolescents. By featuring diverse voices and perspectives, it becomes easier to engage children and adolescents of color and make healthy eating and weight management more relatable and accessible to them.

2. Developing Online Support Groups

Online support groups can provide a sense of community and belonging for individuals struggling with weight management and promote healthier habits. These groups can be facilitated through social media platforms like TikTok, creating spaces for individuals to share their experiences, seek advice, and provide support to one another.

3. Implementing Virtual Coaching

Virtual coaching can be an effective tool in guiding and supporting young people in adopting and maintaining healthy habits. Through platforms like TikTok, health professionals and coaches can provide guidance, tips, and motivation to help adolescents develop long-term habits that promote their health and wellbeing.


Social media platforms, particularly TikTok, have the potential to be powerful tools in addressing obesity health disparities among children and adolescents of color. By leveraging the preferences and engagement of young people, diverse and relatable content can be delivered, online support groups can be facilitated, and virtual coaching can be implemented. These interventions have the potential to empower young people to take charge of their health and make positive choices that support their overall wellbeing.

Key Points:

  • The prevalence of obesity among children of color is higher compared to white children, highlighting the need to address racial disparities.
  • Social media platforms like TikTok can play a role in promoting healthy eating and weight management among children and adolescents.
  • Youth prefer to receive health-related information through TikTok and share it with others on TikTok and Instagram.
  • Creating diverse content, developing online support groups, and implementing virtual coaching are recommended interventions to combat obesity health inequalities.

Source Article: https://www.labroots.com/trending/technology/25586/platforms-tiktok-help-engage-adolescents-color-healthy-eating

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