Health research indicates that cheese has potential cardiovascular and all-cause mortality benefits, and is not necessarily associated with an increased risk of disease.

Cheese: Not Just About Taste, But Also Health, Fitness, and Longevity

Cheese is more than just a delectable food item that graces our tables, it has bountiful health benefits, too. Despite bearing the baggage of a bad nutrition rap because of its high saturated fat and sodium cover, new research and thorough analysis unravel the surprising health benefits of cheese, making it a crucial part of a health-conscious dietary pattern. From boosting protein consumption to potentially improving cardiovascular health and neurocognitive functions, it appears cheese is turning the tables.

The Bottom Line: Recent analysis and health studies reveal that cheese can be an ally in your health and wellness journey, offering essential nutrients, positive cardiovascular impact, and beneficial effects on neurocognitive functions.

A Renaissance of Cheese Health Benefits

In the 2023 National Dairy Council (NDC) publication, “8 Ways Cheese can Help your Body,” the previously frowned upon dairy product is now recognized for providing eight essential nutrients for wellness: calcium, protein, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B12. Along with these nutrients, a recent meta-analysis provides evidence that cheese consumption also boasts neutral to moderate benefits for human health, including potential decrease in cardiovascular mortality.

Cheese may not be just serving physical health benefits; it may also contribute to healthy aging. Certain types of cheese, apart from providing good bacteria through probiotics, also deliver bioactive molecules such as peptides and lactoferrin, which can influence cellular mechanisms. Furthermore, particular mention is given to Vitamin K2 in cheese, which is believed to improve cardiovascular health, reduce age-related bone loss, and maintain neurocognitive functions.

Cheese Types: Nutritional Benefits Unraveled

The catch is not all cheeses are created equal. Each cheese type varies in their dairy matrix, moisture level, content of nutrients like fat and sodium, and consequently, their serving size. Thus, understanding the different cheese “superstars” may guide you to find the most suitable varieties for your health, fitness, and longevity goals.

For a protein kick, cottage cheese and ricotta lead the pack. When watching your sodium levels, opt for cream cheese and Swiss cheese. For those seeking additional calcium intake, Gruyere, Swiss and Hard Parmesan cheese provide high amounts. Lastly, fresh mozzarella and part-skim mozzarella, or a tablespoon of grated parmesan, supply delightful flavor with fewer calories. Moreover, lactose-sensitive individuals can turn to aged cheeses that naturally have little to no lactose content.

Role of Cheese in a Balanced Diet

Balancing your plate to include cheese plus fruits or other nutrient-dense foods can provide a healthful dessert or snack, potentially advantageous for dental health, and not to mention, longevity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cheese is a source of eight essential nutrients for wellness: calcium, protein, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B12.
  • Recent research indicates that cheese has potential cardiovascular and all-cause mortality benefits, and is not necessarily associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Certain types of cheese offer probiotics and bioactive molecules which can influence cellular mechanisms and healthy aging.
  • Vitamin K2 in cheese may improve cardiovascular health, reduce age-related bone loss, and maintain neurocognitive functions.
  • Different cheese types have their nutritional strengths, providing options for a variety of health needs and dietary restrictions.

Source Citation: https://www.dairyfoods.com/articles/96707-the-health-benefits-of-cheese

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